Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let's Get This Party Started, in The Buff of course...

There are some amazing deals to be had in the Buff. (I'm speaking of Buffalo but if you want to try all of these deals in the nude/buff - be my guest, but I don't think it will work!) From entertainment to shopping and everything in between. My family and I moved here 2 and a half years ago and it's taken us about that long to start taking advantage of these opportunities because we either didn't know about them or didn't have enough information. My goal is to 1) keep a record of theses finds so that this can be a tool of reference for myself and others and 2) list some super shopping deals as I start the couponing craze. Diana will also be contributing and listing the super bargains she finds too. Diana is one of the thriftiest people I know and super resourceful too (not to mention FUN), so I know she will give us some great ideas too.

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